
音标/读音 ['spainlis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 无脊椎的, 没有骨气的, 懦弱的

a. lacking spiny processes



That spineless albino played a conversation for her.


What you did, that is some horrible, cowardly, spineless shit.

你做的那事 真是可怕 懦弱 没骨气

I got fired because you're a spineless weasel.


They're spineless dogs, loyal only to their last meal.

他们都是没骨气的贱狗 只会忠诚于喂食者

Answer the major's questions, you spineless jellyfish.

回答长官的问题 你这个软骨头

Oui, but he is our cheating, scheming, spineless idiot.

没错 但他是咱们家 爱作弊 诡计多端 懦弱胆小的*

You don't need a spineless gobetween whose master is the law.

你并不需要一个为法律服务 而且软弱无能的中间人

I'm going to get you di*arred, you spineless piece of shit.

吊销你的律师资格 你这没骨气的垃圾

I hope they nail you to a cross, you spineless piece of shit.

我真希望他们把你钉在十字架上 你个没骨气的废物

I've endured your spineless incompetence for long enough now.

我已经忍受你们的软弱无能 很长时间了