
音标/读音 ['disidәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 意见不同的, 持不同政见的
n. 意见不同的人, 持不同政见者

s. characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards



He was arrested as a dissident and executed.

被当作异端逮捕 处决了

Dissidents don't do the things listed in that file.


There was the systematic suppression of all political dissidence.


Not officially, but we believe it was dissident republicans.

非官方消息 但我们认为 是敌对的共和党人干的

And the endless cells filled with dissidents.


The dissident isn't our product and should not be seen as our product.

異見人士不是我們的情報來源 也不能被用作我們的情報

Unless you're deported to a country that's branded you a dissident.

要是被驱逐到一个国家 给你扣上个不同政见者的帽子 就不行

They arrest dissidents in the middle of the night, line them up and shoot them.

他们在半夜秘密逮捕政见不同者 排成一排枪决

Maybe they're concerned about dissidents, maybe they're concerned about criminals.

或许他们是担心* 或许他们是担心罪犯

You see, now she is as obedient to me as those poor mindjacked dissidents are to you.

现在她对我唯命是从 正如那些受控制的异见者听你的话