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◎ 单词释义

n. D字形马具
[医] D形电极(回旋加速器内)



Dee was here, but she snuck out again.

小迪之前在这里 但她又偷偷溜出去了

Dee, I can see how proud you are of him.

迪 我看得出来你多为他骄傲

Dee is the girl I told you about, the one who asked me out.

我跟你说过迪伊 约我出去的那个

Dee's is not really a hard name to remember.


Well if it ain't tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass.

是啊 这不是蠢货兄弟俩嘛

Dee was a selfish, ungrateful junkie who was always skimming off the top.

迪伊就是个又自私又忘恩负义的毒虫 总想从别人那里骗钱