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[计] 重新校准, 再校准



I can't recalibrate them, not here, not before that door gives out.

我无法重现校准 在这儿不行 更赶不及在门被撞开之前

I wondered if we might recalibrate our strategy, is all.


"I'll just recalibrate," and that didn't work, and it's been eating you up.

"我只是需要重新调整" 结果没用 你一直在隐忍

Fitz recalibrated them, so I'm like new.

菲兹重新调整过了 我焕然一新了

I'll have your primary physician recalibrate your medications.

我会让负责你的医生 重新调剂你的药物

He just needs a beat to recalibrate.


And they come to refuel and also, it seems, recalibrate.

它们来此歇息片刻 似乎还在调整方向

You need to recalibrate your thoughts to the present moment.


I'm around my old group of friends recalibrate.

我周围都是老年朋友 重新找准自己的位置

the reverend finally realized that he does need to recalibrate his meds.

那牧师终于发现他确实需要 重新开药了