
音标/读音 ['kɒ:nfi:ld]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 玉米田

n. a field planted with corn



We found their truck in a cornfield.


Look at the patterns on the cornfields.


If you were in a hurry, you could have killed me in the cornfield.

如果你赶时间 你大可以在麦田里就杀了我

while we also rent out the cornfield for sex.


Lothian had fruitful cornfields and was renowned for its good manners.

洛锡安拥有富饶多产的田地 并一度以良好的民风著称

One that rapes beats and strangles their victims in a cornfield.

他们*和殴打被害人 最后在玉米地中勒死对方

Making her the third victim in recent weeks to turn up dead in a cornfield.

她是近几周来 被弃尸于 玉米地的第三个被害人

And, hey, down below, there's a couple of infantry guys setting up a gun position at the edge of a cornfield.

在下面 有几个步兵 在玉米地边缘准备射击

Listen, tonight you must make your way through the cornfield, where three predators will hunger for your blood.

听我说 今晚你必须穿过玉米田 会有三个捕猎者来追杀你