
音标/读音 [.bʌkә'niә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 海盗
vi. 做海盗

v. live like a buccaneer



Only to be cleaned out by a bunch of *ing buccaneers.

又被一群*的海盗 洗劫一空

Me too. I just had to make a pit stop in the little buccaneers' room.

我也是 只是去趟小海盗房方便一下

I think they say if you get your left pierced, you're straight; if you do the right, you're gay; and if you do both, you're bi, or like a buccaneer I'm not sure.

好像有个说法 如果你在左耳打耳洞 你就是直男 右耳的话就是同志 两边都打就是双性恋 或者海盗 我不确定