
音标/读音 ['sɑ:rә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 萨拉族, 萨拉人



Sara and I, that's what we're gonna do.

萨拉和我 这就是我们追求的

But then...sara and I ran into each other, and she mentioned it.

但是我刚好在路上遇到莎拉 她邀请我来

Sara, those aren't the only two choices.

莎拉 并不只有这两个选择

Sara, this is not the time to have this conversation.

莎拉 这不是讨论这问题的好时机

Sara will be so pleased you're here.


Sara, she was involved with some very, very dangerous people.

莎拉 她和一些非常非常危险的人有牵连

Sara, I know you've been seeing someone.

莎拉 我知道你在跟别人约会

Sara? I can't believe you'd leave your prom..

莎拉 我不敢相信你离开自己的毕业舞会

Sara, you have been with this one since the beginning.

萨拉 你从案件初始就追踪案情

Sara said we were all looking for the same thing.
