
音标/读音 ['trauәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 泥铲, 泥刀
vt. 用泥铲涂

n. a small hand tool with a handle and flat metal blade; used for scooping or spreading plaster or similar materials
v. use a trowel on; for light garden work or plaster work



Oh, and a trowel. I'm gonna need a trowel.

还有铲子 我需要一把铲子

Maybe if you didn't slap on the makeup with a trowel.

化个妆跟涂水泥墙似的 难怪没戏

But for a gay club, you can just slap it on with a trowel.

去同志夜店呢 尽情糊墙似的往脸上涂吧