
音标/读音 [speit]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 泛滥, 洪水, 大雨, 大量, 一阵

n (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent
n a sudden forceful flow
n the occurrence of a water flow resulting from sudden rain or melting snow



We've had a spate of breakins the past few weeks.


The constabulary has a suspect in custody for the recent spate of murders.

警察厅羁押了一个 近期一宗连环命案的嫌疑人

But when this river's flowing in spate, the cattle wouldn't have been able to get across.

一旦洪水来袭 牛群也无法渡过这条河流

We've had a spate of breakins over the past few weeks, pretty bold crew.

过去几周 有一伙窃贼 胆子很大 连续作案

A curious case, a spate of attacks, the victims separated from their right hands.

一桩怪案 一连串的袭击 被害人都被砍下了右手

Over the past week, there's been a spate of attacks on intelligence officers worldwide, of every nationality.

过去的一周里 突然在全球范围内 发生了多起针对情报人员的袭击 无论国籍