
音标/读音 ['pændә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vi. 勾引, 怂恿, 卑劣地迎合
n. 拉皮条者, 怂恿者, 助恶者

v. arrange for sexual partners for others



If they think you're pandering, they'll *ell it.

如果他们认为你在逢迎 他们会感觉得到的

Pandering to illiterates who can't read report cards.


I've got him on 17 counts of pimping and pandering.


There are plenty of great schools that don't require pandering.

有许多好的幼儿园 不需要迎合奉承

For another, I wonder if it's wise to pander to hysterics.

再说 迎合歇斯底里明智吗

One for assault and battery, one for pandering.

一次是殴打和侵犯人身 一次是拉皮条

As district attorney, you can't just pander to a crowd.

作为地检官 你不能哗众取宠

Mark, I want to help rebuild the city, not pander to it.

马克 我想帮助重建这座城市 而不是迎合它

It was steep, too, with the pandering and endangering a minor, not once, but five times.

得不少钱 毕竟包括怂恿和危害未成年人 不是一次 而是五次

I'll stick with pandering to our specialinterest groups, thank you very much.

我要继续迎合我们的特殊利益团体的需求 非常感谢各位