
音标/读音 [ri'strikʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 限制, 限定, 约束
[计] 限定

n. a principle that limits the extent of something
n. the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary)



I'd like to remind you, gentlemen, that the areas marked "restricted" are restricted, because they are restricted.

我不得不提醒一下你们 这标明「禁区」的地方 代表这是禁区 所以禁止入内

And the most obvious way to restrict car use is restricting parking.

而最有效方法 就是限制停车

Coming through. It's a restricted area.

我来了 这里是管制区域

You are only alive because I had restrictions put on me.


It doesn't help that he's in a restricted environment.


..of the rules and restrictions that come with it.


The parachute buckles are restricting my reach.

我被降落伞扣卡住了 够不到

I guess this apartment doesn't have a height restriction.


You'll find it difficult, because we have them restricted to 4mph.

超速是不太可能的 因为我们已经限速为每小时四英里

And suddenly, I was flying over restricted airspace.

突然间 我就坐着飞机飞过空中禁区