
音标/读音 ['rævinәs]
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◎ 单词释义

a. 贪婪的, 饿极的, 狼吞虎咽的

s extremely hungry
s devouring or craving food in great quantities



So, this is an example of ravens using their understanding of eye gaze to help them solve the problem, of how they stop other ravens from stealing all their food.

这就是个关于乌鸦如何利用 它们对视线的理解 来解决一些问题 比如如何防止其他乌鸦偷走它的食物的例子

Raven, I'm a doctor. I cannot do that.

雷文 我是个医生 我不能这么做

I've been thinking on your dream of the raven.


Raven, you can't leave them in there to die.

雷文 你不能让他们死在里面

Raven, I need you to do a tower dump.

瑞雯 我需要你去调取基站信息

Because ravens have trouble sharing their feelings.


Raven, since you can't ride, you're on the back.

雷文 既然你不能骑马 你就坐后面

I'm the threeeyed raven now. I have to be ready for this.

我现在是三眼乌鸦了 我必须准备好

It's not easy for ravens to fly in these storms.


You once had a blue binder with a raven on the side.

你曾经有一个蓝色的活页夹 侧面印着一只乌鸦