
音标/读音 ['speiʃәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 徒有其表的, 似是而非的, 外表美观的

s. plausible but false



Your specious proposition is illegal and unconstitutional.

你看似有理的提议 是非法且违宪的

We've taken your specious evidence under consideration.


I can tell you your argument is both specious and circumstantial.

我可以告诉你们 你们的指控既豪无依据 又难以立脚

I think your argument is specious. I think your tie is ugly.

你强词夺理 你的领带难看

I'm here to meet the driver you arrested last night on the specious charge of weapons *uggling.

我来这里见你昨晚逮捕的司机 罪名是莫须有的武器*

And specious stuff that says no rational being can fear a thing it will not feel.

似是而非的事物如是说 理性之人不会畏惧自己感觉不到的事物

That you don't even begin to entertain their specious claims, lt because if you do, you're gonna give cred to this kind of opportuni*.

你没有开始考虑他们那种不靠谱的提议吧 以为如果你这么做了 你就会给这种投机取巧的行为 以可乘之机

Normally a claim so old would be tossed out of court as specious, but there's plenty of evidence in this case, as I'm sure your real estate attorneys discovered.

通常如此久远的 土地权主张会被法庭以似是而非为由拒绝受理 但这个案子有大量的实际证据 我相信你的不动产律师们已经发现了