
音标/读音 [.auә'self. .ɑ:-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

pron. 自己;我们



Me and my sister there for nights, and we're there by ourself.

我和我妹妹整夜整夜 都只有我们两人在家

Me and you both, we done laid ourself out between them lines.


Now, happen we have to end it ourself.

现在 我们得自己了结此事

We again find ourself in pressing space.


Second of all, let's not refer to ourself in the third person.

其次 别用第三人称代称自己

And then we can have ourself a conversation about the mother*ing environment.

然后我们再好好谈谈 什么狗屁环境法

But in some dark corner of our mind, we are bracing ourself for that possibility.

但在我们内心深处的阴暗面 我们做好了这事发生在自己身上的心理准备

Warwick, as ourself, shall do and undo as him pleaseth best.

华威 同我一样 处理一切皆可便宜行事

My lords, what to your wisdoms seemeth best, do or undo, as if ourself were here.

我的大人们 你们认为怎么做才好 是还是否 如果换做你们的话

We're guaranteed destruction far sooner if we do not rid ourself of this scourge.

如果我们不除掉这个灾祸之源 那毁灭之日将来得更快