
发布时间:2023-03-23 14:06:01


1. I consider myself more of an academic coach.


2. Then you have to start listening to me or you'll get us both killed.

那你就要开始听我的 否则你会害我们都丧命

3. Girls think he's cute. I don't know.

女孩们认为他很可爱 我也不懂

4. No film can tell the definitive story of anybody's life.


5. She probably won't win, but it's just this idea of being in a long, drawnout court case.

她大概不会赢 只是 这案子会变得漫长又艰难

6. He's not the amazing man that you think he is.


7. I had the crew work on it around the clock.


8. He has absolutely no care for his tenants' living conditions.


9. We can't see this guy's face, but look at his hands.

我们看不到这个人的脸 可你看他的手

10. And he paid me $100 for the pleasure.



11. My hallucinations were rarely biped and never men.

我的幻觉少有双足动物 从没有人

12. I'll kill one in case you change your mind.

我还是先杀一只 免得你改变主意吧

13. To win, we think you'll need to have a family.

要赢的话 我们觉得你会需要一个家庭

14. I miss seeing exactly what eight years in solitary does to a man.

我想看看八年的独居监狱生活 能让一个人变成什么样

15. Sounds good to me, but first, I got to hit the head.

好啊 但我得先用下厕所[直译 撞头]

16. He'll bleed out and die before we make a single cut.


17. Whatever comes up school, religion, or the other hundred things that we haven't thought about yet we will figure it out.

不管遇到什么 学校 教堂 还是其它那些我们没想过的事 我们都会解决的

18. So they sent a second round and the same thing happened.

于是政府又派了一支军队 结果还是一样

19. You installed a weather application for me.


20. Well, the ponies and unicorns are fighting.



21. Yeah, but developing in a dark room is totally different.

没错 但是在暗室里洗照片是完全不同的

22. We are the only ones who can find and save her.


23. By tomorrow,I could be the man you hate again.

到明天 我又会是你恨的那个人

24. What you do with your time is your own concern.

你空余时间做什么 是你的事

25. Girl, we gonna have to get you microchipped.

妹子 我们得给你装知识芯片了

26. When I look at you, that's what I see.

我看着你时 就像是看到了它

27. He had the time and control to do what he wants.


28. I'm so relieved that you know the truth.

你知道了真相 我真是松了一口气

29. sometimes you wish you could just do a bit more.


30. Elsa, I want you to think of this as your home that I pay you to clean.

爱尔莎 我希望你把这里想成是你的家 我付钱让你打扫的家