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◎ 单词释义

n. 冒泡, 欢腾, 兴高采烈
[化] 泡腾; 起泡; 起泡沫

n. the process of bubbling as gas escapes



You're the perfect combination of depth and effervescence.


I take back everything I said about her being effervescent.


And it just tasted so clean and fresh and slightly effervescent in the way that it was almost lightly sort of, um, carbonated.

尝起来十分干净 清爽 还有些轻微的气泡 感觉就像有微量的 碳酸

As you start slicing them up, you can really *ell that incredibly zesty, almost effervescent lemony *ell from the lemongrass, and it's that scent that insects really don't like, particularly mosquitoes.

将柠檬草茎切成片 你可以闻到那不可思议的清新芳香 柠檬草那充满活力的柠檬香气 正是那种气味让虫子们不好过 特别是蚊子