
音标/读音 [ku:t]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 白骨顶(鸟), 笨人, 傻瓜

n. slate-black slow-flying birds somewhat resembling ducks



Somewhere between a coot and geezer, I believe.


There was a giant flightless coot that was originally very common.

有一种巨大的不会飞的骨顶鸡 起初很常见

This old coot's got the hands of a surgeon.


Those old coots would be crazy not to give you a job.

那些老家伙不要你 肯定是疯了

First, you marry for money, and then you find yourself lovin' the old coot.

首先 你为钱结婚 然后 你发现自己爱上了这个糟老头

Well, all us old coots start sounding alike after a while.


He's mad as a coot, but you never know, he might offer you some insight.

他现在疯疯癫癫的 但谁知道呢 说不定他能告诉你一点消息

You know, you're getting dangerously close to old coot territory.


We're going back to the tree house to take out a couple of old coots.

我们回树屋 整死几个蠢货

The sooner ye retrieve the auld coot, the sooner we can be on our way.

你越早带回那老傻瓜 我们就能越快动身