
音标/读音 ['stiklbæk]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 刺鱼

n. small (2-4 inches) pugnacious mostly scaleless spiny-backed fishes of northern fresh and littoral waters having elaborate courtship; subjects of much research



Here's a marine stickleback skeleton and what marine sticklebacks have are these very welldefined pelvic spikes, so on their underside they have these very prominent spikes, and they use these spikes for defence because when you live in the ocean, you have some very nasty looking predators.

这里是一条咸水刺鱼的骨骼 咸水刺鱼生有 非常明显的骨刺 在它们腹部有突出的刺 它们用刺防御 因为当你生活在海里 你有长相凶恶的天敌

We have a picture of a lake stickleback here.


And we've got a beach here for the sticklebacks to have their babies.

我们做了一片滩涂 让棘鱼在这里产宝宝

This little stickleback has no scales, and can only live in the clearest of freshwater.

这条小棘鱼没有鱼鳞 并且只能在最清澈的淡水中存活

It's got tons of space in the back for cod and bream and sticklebacks.

我这车后面有无尽的空间留给鳕鱼 鲤鱼和棘鱼啥的

Now, scientists have worked out which gene has mutated in the freshwater compared with in the marine sticklebacks.

科学家已经找到了 淡水与咸水刺鱼相比 哪个基因发生了突变

The reason there are so many baby sticklebacks in the first place is because the majority are destined to be eaten.

棘鱼宝宝数量如此众多 原因就在于 他们中的大多数注定被捕食

Sticklebacks are closely related to sea horses and, like sea horses, it's the male who brings up the kids.

棘鱼和海马是近亲 和海马一样 也是雄性养育幼崽

And you know, it will be really nice to see all those little secret lives that, you know, like sticklebacks doing their mating ritual in there that you never see normally.

而且能窥视这些小动物的 秘密生活是很有趣的事 比如通过这个可以看到不常见的 棘鱼交配

They want to discover the secret life of the wild otters, the high speed world of the dragonfly, the tensions within a kingfisher family, and the trials and tribulations of being a stickleback dad.

他们期望发现野生水獭的秘密生活 蜻蜓的高速世界 翠鸟家庭内的紧张局势 还有棘鱼爸爸的考验和磨难