
音标/读音 ['mistikl]
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◎ 单词释义

a. 神秘的, 奥秘的

a relating to or characteristic of mysticism
a relating to or resembling mysticism
s having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding



It's a book on mystici*, not mystici* itself.

这是一本神秘的书 它本身不神秘

He is mystical when he should be clear and clear when he should be mystical.

该挑明的时候他装神秘 该神秘的时候他全挑明

So you're saying it's a mystical connection.


It is not coming to you through mystical means.


That it's... it's mystici*, you know? It's nonsense.

这一切...都是谬论 都是胡扯的

there are some mystical texts I can consult.


What other supernatural or mystical forces there were in the world.

这世上还有什么其他超自然 或神秘力量

This guy could be some twisted newage mystic.


Not all the mystical parts, but everything else.

除了那些玄乎的東西 其他的都說了

He's an expert in mystici* esoteric divinity.

他是神秘学专家 隐秘神学专家