
音标/读音 [,haipәrin'fleiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 恶性通货膨胀



That's probably because your lungs are hyperinflated.


I'm saying the patient suffered from bouts of hyperinflation, and that gave the appearance that she was nonresponsive.

我是说这位病人出现阶段性膨胀过度 从表面上看 她是没有反应的

When that world is joyous, art must reflect that beauty, but when our existence is beset with unrest, humiliation, hyperinflation, the indignity of reparations, art must necessarily be equally drab and ugly.

世界充满喜悦时 艺术必须表现这种美 但当我们的生活动荡不安 屈辱不堪 过度通货膨胀 修理工作华而不实 那么艺术也必须同等单调丑陋