
音标/读音 ['in'bri:diŋ]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 同系繁殖, 近亲交配
[医] 同系交配, 近亲交配, 近交

n. the act of mating closely related individuals



I think she's actually insane. It's the inbreeding.

我觉得她是真疯了 近亲相交惹的祸

Course they're all a little... you know... from inbreeding.

他們都近親交配 有點那個...

Centuries of inbreeding is making the aristocracy stupid.


Years of inbreeding have left him mostly harmless.


Most are horribly deformed, due to inbreeding and birth defects.

大多数病人样貌相当的畸形恐怖 这是近亲交配与繁殖必然的结果

Due to our isolated community and limited sexual partners, we're stuck in a cycle of inbreeding.

因为我们隔绝的社区和有限的* 我们陷入了近亲繁殖的循环

救下超过350只鸟类 猿类及猴类 in tiny, isolated groups, leading to inbreeding, which weakens their resistane to disease.

查获野生动物交易 而且不和其他虎群接触 依靠近亲繁殖培育后代 导致它们的抵抗力变弱

The remaining big cats are now concentrated in tiny, isolated groups, leading to inbreeding, which weakens their resistane to disease.

剩余的老虎虽是群居 但每个虎群数量稀少 而且不和其他虎群接触 依靠近亲繁殖培育后代 导致它们的抵抗力变弱

I mean I love all dogs, but I just don't see the point of buying a dog from an industry that promotes inbreeding and puppyvilles when there are so many mixed breeds out there in need of a home.

我对狗很博爱 只是我不赞成从那些宣扬纯正血统的狗贩子 手里花大价钱去买狗 明明就有 很多普通犬在外流浪 需要一个家