
音标/读音 [ræŋk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 等级, 排, 横列, 队伍, 阶级
a. 茂密丛生的, 恶臭的, 十足的, 粗俗的
vt. 排列, 归类于, 把...分等
vi. 列为, 列队
n. 秩
[计] 秩

n. a row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another
n. relative status
v. take or have a position relative to others
v. take precedence or surpass others in rank



You're gonna make me pull rank, I will pull rank.

你逼我动用职权 我就动给你看

So if there's any rank to pull, it's hers.

所以就算要行使职权 也是她说了算

We are honored to have you in our ranks.


It's as if rank has no meaning for them.

对他们来说 职位毫无意义

You are above reducing yourself for the sake of rank.


But you have neither the rank nor the finances for any more.


If not, you'll have no rank and a lot of pain.

如若不然 你将一无所有 痛苦不堪

I take it you're the ranking officer here.


Those are traitors from the ranks of our guards.


No, I don't think you rank that high.

不 我觉得你没有那么高层