
音标/读音 [nu:s]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 套索, 束缚, 陷阱
vt. 用套索捉

n. a loop formed in a cord or rope by means of a slipknot; it binds tighter as the cord or rope is pulled
v. make a noose in or of
v. secure with a noose


1. Billy, they're about to tie the noose.

比利 他们都要系索套了

2. The noose is around my neck, not yours.

要被吊死的人是我 不是你们

3. We surround her and we tighten the noose.

我們先包圍 再慢慢收拾她

4. It's a fine you face, not the noose.

你面对的是罚金 不是绞刑

5. I was dead in that noose, and then I was saved.

我在那次绞刑中死了 然后被拯救了

6. Straight to the noose, straight to hell.

她会被直接上套索 笔直下地狱

7. All right, let's go tighten the noose.

那好 行动吧 都打起精神来

8. At last, a noose for me to put my neck into.

终于 一个让我伸脖子进去的绞索

9. Look pretty with their necks in a noose.


10. By never being sure there was no way out of the noose.

