
音标/读音 [h\\:'metikәli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 奥妙, 密封, 不透气, 不漏气, 与外界隔绝
[计] 密封的

r. in an airtight manner



The body's preserved because he hermetically sealed this room.


We're looking for a powdery substance in a hermetically sealed container.

我们要找的是种粉状物 装在一个密闭容器内

Look at all this adorable stuff I've had hermetically sealed in the garage.

瞧瞧这些可爱的东西 我一直密封在车库里

Projection camouflage; hermetically sealed from the elements; shockshielding on perimeter.

伪装投影 隔离外界 边界防御盾

There's a reason these things are kept in hermetically sealed biocontainment labs.

这些东西被放在密封的生物防护实验室 是有原因的

Snug as criminally insane bugs in hermetically sealed rugs.


You eat freezedried food in a hermetically sealed oxygen tent.

你住在密封氧气帐里 吃冻干食品

We are going to hermetically seal this loft into a big love bubble and fill it with positive affirmations and validations from people who know you and love you and have no doubt that you're going to be amazing.

我们要把这里变成密封的爱之泡 装满爱你跟了解你之人的 正面的肯定和认可 他们从未质疑过你辉煌的未来

Which you might learn if you ever actually left your goddamn hermetically sealed submarine in here with all the windows closed and no natural light because natural light isn't good enough for you.

等你真正离开你那该死的密封潜艇 也许你才会明白 你把所有窗户紧闭 不透一丝自然光 就因为自然光对你来说不够好