
音标/读音 ['mɒdikәm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 少量

n. a small or moderate or token amount



I could have had a modicum of closure.


I think I deserve a modicum of leeway.


That modicum of decency I'll insist upon for myself.


A modicum of torture words don't fully describe.

还有一些小折磨 是语言无法表达的

You actually showed me the *allest modicum of trust.


There is some modicum of protocol that must be observed, even here.

即使是在这里 还是有些指标需要观察考核的

Maybe there's a modicum of forgiveness waiting for me on the other side.

也许等我死后 还能得到些许宽恕吧

The administration had to be strongarmed into offering even a modicum of support.

即使是想要一点点支持 也要非常强硬的和管理部门进行*

Although I must admit, there has been a modicum of chainpulling of late.

但我得承认 最近可能确实给你添了点麻烦

Ergo, I created a modicum of phooey for a full kablooey.

所以 我用一点小手段制造出了大故障