
音标/读音 [klaiv]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 克莱夫(男子名)

n. British general and statesman whose victory at Plassey in 1757 strengthened British control of India (1725-1774)



Clive is helping them ferret out a snitch.


Clive, you're not supposed to feel that about your own script.

克莱夫 你不应该这样看待自己的剧本

Clive, don't make me get my blowtorch.

克莱夫 不要逼我去拿喷灯

Clive, I saw that suit of armor in my vision.

克莱夫 我在幻象中看到过这套盔甲

Clive said she was fantastic, great authenticity.

克莱夫说她棒极了 非常真实

Clive, it would take me all day to kiss your fat ass.

克莱夫 我亲你的肥臀要亲一整天

Clive has already witnessed a fullscale zombie outbreak.


Clive, I still think he may have played a part in this.

克莱夫 我还是觉得可能和他有关系

Clive won't eat soup dumplings because they have too many secrets.

克莱夫不喜欢吃饺子 是因为它们有太多秘密

Clive solved it, you just told him what you saw in a vision.

是克莱夫破的案 你只是告诉了他影像而已