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◎ 单词释义

n. 百里香
[医] 百里香, 麝香草

n. any of various mints of the genus Thymus
n. leaves can be used as seasoning for almost any meat and stews and stuffings and vegetables



Thyme, fry that thyme. I want to hear it.

百里香 煎一下 我想听到它的声音

I'm going to add some thyme, and again, these are savoury choux buns, so this little addition of thyme should marry up quite well with your mushrooms.

因为我要加入 一点百里香 我说过 这是开胃泡芙包 所以加点百里香可以更好地搭配 蘑菇的味道

It's a parsley and thyme infusion, and more for my sake than yours.

是欧芹和百里香的 更多是为了我 不是为了你

that they *elled of thyme when you came in from the garden.

从花园里出来时 是百里香味

A teaspoon of thyme and a pinch of sage.

1茶匙百里香 再加一点鼠尾草

I've got some parsley and thyme going in there as well.

加少许西芹 以及少许百里香

I've got that scented garlic, thyme flavour.


Lift up your thyme, place it on top of the garlic.

把百里香挑起来 放在蒜的上面

You can *ell the thyme now as it's getting warm.


If you just rip a bit of thyme off and mix it up for us.

帮忙把它绞碎了 拌进馅料里