
音标/读音 ['tә:minәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 终点, 界标, 终点站
[法] 界标, 界牌, 界石

n. (architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar; originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome
n. either end of a railroad or bus route



This great city in which we are gathered is and has always been our designated terminus.

我们所在的这座伟大城市 一直都是我们指定的终点站

Once in a while it migrates, ticks closer to reaching its terminus and striking its chime.

每隔一段时间就向里移动一点 一步步逼近终点 准备敲响最后的钟声

This...clammy isle is the terminus in a number of posts and socalled promotions.

这座湿冷的岛是 一连串所谓升职的终点

At the terminus are particulate hydrocarbons: jetfuel pollutants found just about everywhere.

在末端 有微粒的碳氢化合物 就是全世界都可以 找到的喷气燃料污染物

When we reconvene, we shall settle on where your two railroads would join by naming a final terminus.

等下次会面 我们选出终点站 确定两条铁路 在哪里交汇

I determine the arc's path, stroll leisurely to its terminus and the truth falls at my feet.

我找出轨迹的走向 闲庭信步至其尽头 真相就出现在我眼前了