
音标/读音 ['vɒ:teks]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 旋涡, 旋风, 涡流
[化] 涡旋

n the shape of something rotating rapidly
n a powerful circular current of water (usually the result of conflicting tides)



How we would respond if a vortex opened up here.


Look, this is what chased you through the time vortex.

你看 你们在时间漩涡中追逐的就是这个

It is a hole, which could potentially lead to a vortex.

这是虫洞 会有发展成为漩涡的可能

No, not again. I haven't recovered from the last polar vortex.

不是吧 上一次的极涡我还没缓过来呢

Being pulled into a vortex, circling the drain.

正在被拉向一个漩涡 像在下水道口打转

If we get pulled into the vortex, we die, too.

如果我们被卷入漩涡 也会死

The vortex, gives it shape, drives it into the land.

漩涡成了型 向岸上逼去

The vortex will open here again, but not in a billion years.

漩涡会再次打开 不是在一百万年后

He's wired the vortex manipulator to the rest of the box.


I was sucked up into the vortex of this massive tunnel in the air.
