
音标/读音 ['dainәmait]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 炸药
vt. 炸毁, 破坏

n. an explosive containing nitrate sensitized with nitroglycerin absorbed on wood pulp
v. blow up with dynamite



It contained 60 pounds of dynamite, some of the dynamite sticks marked with the name of your quarry.

里面装着六十磅炸药 有些炸药上标着你的采石场的名字

I'd like to think of ageing as we have multiple sticks of dynamite inside all of our cells and each stick of dynamite is a cause of ageing.

我认为衰老像是我们 细胞内存在的大量炸弹 每个炸弹都能引起衰老

It was dynamite, whether it was true or not.

无论真伪 那将会是计时炸弹

I don't care if they're wrapped in dynamite.


But believe me, I'm very good. I'm dynamite.

不过请相信我 我很棒的 而且有活力

There won't be if your friend doesn't return with that dynamite.

如果你朋友不带着炸药回来 的确没法救他们

We got a maniac with a bag of dynamite.


Yes, from the dynamite, but that couldn't have been cause of death.

是啊 炸药的成分 但那不可能是死因

She came up with that dynamite lasagna story.


Followed closely by dynamite, and then muscles.

紧随其后的是炸药 然后是肌肉