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◎ 单词释义

n. 徘徊者, 游历者, 漫游者

n someone who leads a wandering unsettled life



We were on a run, roamers came out, they didn't follow the system.

我们在找补给时碰上了行尸 那四个人没有守规矩

Aiden was trying to save us from a roamer, shooting at it.

艾登想从一只行尸嘴下 救出我们 他对它开枪

I just want him to live and for the roamers to go away.

我只想让他活下去 让行尸离开

The team have found the village's top hunter and top roamer.


Long enough to see that you practically ignore a pack of roamers on your trail.

時間長到發現了你們基本上無視了 身后跟著一群行尸

And when I do stupid things, I wind up underneath a rust bucket surrounded by roamers who roll a rear passenger tire onto my left ankle.

我一做蠢事就會藏到老破車底下 被行尸包圍著 左腳踝還被后輪壓了