
音标/读音 ['pɒtlʌk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 家常便饭

n. whatever happens to be available especially when offered to an unexpected guest or when brought by guests and shared by all



She was so nice to me at the potluck.

她在家庭聚会上 对我很好

We should host a potluck with these guys.


We'll have a potluck for the whole street.

我们办一个会餐 邀请整条街的人

You don't show up to a potluck emptyhanded.


After we're done, there's an orphan potluck here.

等这里结束后 有个孤儿聚餐

We're doing a potluck this weekend to kick off the semester.


Let's do a potluck, 'cause I'm not cooking for everybody.

我们吃百乐餐吧 我可不想给一大帮人做饭

Hey, you should come over for a potluck some time.


We all bring different dishes, do a potluck.

我们各自带不同的吃的 拼成百味餐

Probably turned into some potluck, postermaking, singalong.

说不定之后就要搞什么百乐餐 做海报 唱圣歌