
音标/读音 ['ʌnin'hibitid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 不受禁令约束的, 不受拘束的, 自由自在的, 随心所欲的, 大吵大闹的
[法] 不受禁令约束的, 无拘束的

a. not inhibited or restrained



You were so free, you were so uninhibited.

你是那么自由 那么无拘无束

They're so uninhibited. I suppose it's generational.

他们真放得开 估计是新一代人都这样吧

I go for more of the uninhibited, freespirited types.

我追求的多是无拘无束 自由随性的类型

It's the one point when our minds are completely uninhibited.

这是一点 当我们的思想完全不受约束的时候

That's so gross, but I feel like he cuts off his breathing so much he's gotta be uninhibited.

恶心 但我觉得 他经常中断呼吸 他肯定很奔放

The primary impediment to a free and uninhibited future is the violence and terror that currently grips our beloved country.

自由不受拘束的将来 遇到的主要障碍 是当前笼罩我们祖国的 暴力和恐怖

Come on, man, you got three glorious, uninhibited months ahead of you, and you got a whole bookshelf in front of you.

别这样 哥们 你可是有三个月无拘无束的美好假日呢 还有这么多书供你挑选

The test results indicate that you're an uninhibited deviant with a personality disorder prone to psychopathic outbursts and a gun fetish.

测试结果显示 你随心所欲不按常理出牌 还有点人格障碍 有可能突发精神病并对*非常迷恋

When old people start to act in ways that young people think is uninhibited and think they've regressed, actually they've progressed and they're disinhibited.

当年轻人觉得老年人的行为 变得随心所欲时 觉得是他们退步了 其实他们是进步了 摆脱了世俗的束缚