
音标/读音 ['dʒu:dʒu:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 物神, 符咒

n. the power associated with a juju
n. a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers



And that explains the bad juju I've been feeling.


Yeah, see, the more important the person, the more juju in the head.

没错 越是重要的人 头颅的魔力就越大

Now you're trying to spread your bad juju around.


It's like a way to get rid of all the bad juju.


She'll be dead in 20 minutes if I don't pull some serious juju out of my ass.

如果我不赶紧 给她处理伤口 她过个二十分钟就没命了

Take it back and bury it in the soup rubble where you found it, because it's bad juju.

把它带回到那堆废墟 赶紧埋了 这不是个好东西

But I got to tell you guys, my conspiracy radar's picking up some bad juju on this one.

但我得告诉你们 我的阴谋雷达探测到一些不好的迹象

Destiny's old man's in the state hospital and that place reeks of bad juju.

德斯蒂妮的老爸在州立醫院里 那地方有股發臭的大麻味

I read it'll help get that backstabbing cunt's bad juju out of our house.

我读到这个会帮我们驱除那个两面三刀的* 带给我们的霉运