
音标/读音 ['ska:lət]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 斯嘉丽(女子名或《飘》中的女主人公)



Scarlett. It's not exactly out of character.

斯嘉麗 她這樣也不是很反常

Scarlett, this has been my dream longer than it's been yours.

斯嘉丽 我期待这次巡演比你还要久

Scarlett, your interpretation of events it's not the same as the truth.

斯嘉麗 你對事情的解釋 與事實有出入

Scarlett's the virgin, at least to start.

斯嘉丽肯定是* 至少开始时是

Scarlett, we've been doing interviews for four days straight.

斯嘉麗 我們都已經做了 連續四天訪談了

Scarlett I know it's not what you want to hear, but I need you with me on this.

斯嘉丽 我知道这不是你想听的 但是我需要你支持我

Scarlett, tell us the story exactly how you remember it.

斯嘉丽 按照你记忆里那样 把事情说一遍

Scarlett, you never completely let anybody in your life.

斯嘉丽 你从来不让任何人真正走进的你的生活

Scarlett called and said you guys could use some help.


Scarlett, I am really ashamed of how I reacted when you told me the news.

斯嘉丽 你最开始告诉我时 我的反应让我很羞愧