
音标/读音 [si'lestjәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 天的, 天国的, 天空的
[法] 天的, 天空的, 天国的

a. of or relating to the sky
a. relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven
s. of heaven or the spirit



All of this celestial stuff, it is new to me.

所有这些神族的事情 我都是头一次接触

Ronan only does it once every celestial cycle.


The temple's not just a celestial vehicle.


...especially what you said about celestial rotation.


Cut me loose and I'll show you, you celestial wank.

松开我我就告诉你 来自天国的笨蛋

You are so dim, with no more understanding of the celestial movements than ants have.

如此愚昧 对天体运行规律的理解 与蝼蚁无二异

We can take the sword out of your celestial wages.


And of course the celestial visitors have sparked more than a few superstitions.

当然 这些天外来客 引发了不少迷信

celestial everything and it blew your *ing mind.

宇宙万物 让你心醉神迷

To you, we're just numbers on a list in your celestial inventory.

对你而言 我们不过是 你天堂清单上的数字