
音标/读音 [.sju:pә'vaizәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 管理的, 监督的, 管理人的
[经] 监督的, 管理的

a. of or limited to or involving supervision



I'm talking about in a purely supervisory role.


But we will need to take a supervisory role.


II don't see any entry for direct supervisory employer here.

这里没有登记 直接的监督雇主

Well, I find that hard to believe, as their supervisory agent.

这真令人难以置信 你作为一高级警探

You'll be downgraded from supervisory special agent to special agent.

你将从特别督查探员降级为 特别探员

Asher, you just earned a formal reprimand that puts you on supervisory probation.

艾瑟 你将被予以处分 进入监督察看期 以示惩戒

Once we're established, you could pull back, assume a strictly planning and supervisory role.

一旦我们走上正轨 你就可以退后 尝试一个严密企划和监理的岗位

That operation is compartmented, and I'm not supposed to talk about it to anyone, not even my old supervisory agent who hasn't been completely read into it.

那次行动是机密的 我不能和任何人讨论它的情况 哪怕是我以前的上司 因为他不了解行动内情