
音标/读音 ['sʌplnis]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 易弯曲, 柔软, 顺从

n the gracefulness of a person or animal that is flexible and supple
n the property of being pliant and flexible
n adaptability of mind or character



I've never felt so supple and expressive.

我从未觉得如此柔软 富有表现力

They've made my brain more flexible, my thinking more supple.

他们让我的大脑更加灵活 让我的想法更加柔和

It's usually supple, tender, like a newborn baby.

这里通常都很柔软 娇嫩 就像新生儿的皮肤一样

Well, that stern but supple kiss puts you over the top.


It is so soft, and young and supple, like the neck of a turkey.

如此柔软 细嫩 灵活 有如火鸡脖子

You need to wet the dough with water to keep it moist and supple.

你们得往面团里加水 才能保持湿润与柔软

Please check out some of the links to my previous videos if you wanna see more techniques for how to stay supple.

请点击我之前视频的链接 如果你想了解更多让肌肤显得柔软的技巧

Ladies, we put aside our differences and worked together to drive away the supple room mom.

女士们 我们放下分歧 团结一起赶走了 身体灵活的班级妈妈

The suppleness of her breasts, the slender size of her waist, the length and form of her legs, all these factors predict the healthy earning years a prostitute earns.

她*的弹性 腰围的粗细 大腿的长度和形状 所有这些因素都说明了 一个健康的*一年能挣多少

For those women who know that sexual attraction isn't only to be found in firm, supple, young breasts, *ooth legs, and perfectly sculpted bodies, but in the mind, in the psyche, in the darkest depths of your soul.

因为她们知道性吸引 不仅仅体现在坚挺 柔软 稚嫩的胸部 修长的* 精雕细琢的身段上 更是在思想中 心灵中 在灵魂最深处的幽谷里