
音标/读音 ['spaiglæs]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 小望远镜

n a small refracting telescope



I saw that you were watching the sky with a spyglass.


I ordered some spyglasses off the back of a comic book once.


Or it could be the reflection of a spyglass upon one of her masts.


Two fires, two halves of a spyglass.

两场火灾 两截半个小望远镜

Malone's cleaning up the shit before the spyglass turns on him.

马龙需要在被发现之前 处理完这些事

If anything goes wrong, you might need a spyglass.

要是出了岔子 你可能会需要小望远镜

If you have ever lost a friend, you know it makes your world feel incomplete, like a puzzle with a piece missing, or one half of a broken spyglass.

如果你曾失去过朋友 你知道这会让你的世界感觉不完整 就像缺了一块的拼图 或是半个破碎的小望远镜