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◎ 单词释义

[医] 钙(20号元素); 阴极, 负极

n a white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light; the fifth most abundant element in the earth's crust; an important component of most plants and animals
n a state in the western United States on the Pacific; the 3rd largest state; known for earthquakes



Mais ça suffit comme ça, il faut faire quelque chose.

但不能再这样下去了 我们一定要做些什么

I mean, I ca... I can't. It's not that far.

我是說我辦不到 沒那么高

I just ca I can't stop thinking about it.


I'm sorry, I ca I can't be with you right now.

對不起 我現在不能見到你

I ca I mean, it's like... I can't watch this.

我不...这就像... 画面太美看不下去了

I ca... I have a really bad headache.


I ca I can't believe it's almost gone.


II ca I can't remember everybody's pointers.

我 我记不住这么多建议

I ca I can't right now, but I have it back at my place.

我不 我现在不能说了 但我把日记拿回家了

You're clearly far more ca cap capable than I am.

谁都能看出来 你比我更...能干