
音标/读音 [peit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 头, 脑袋, 头脑
[医] 头盖(旧名)

n. liver or meat or fowl finely minced or ground and variously seasoned
n. the top of the head



And don't you let them gobble up all that paté before you have any.

在你动筷子之前别让他们把香肠 都吃光了

Best way to confirm the pate's been struck.


Crispbread and liver pâté are coming soon.


This vegan golden apple pate is divine.


You know what's weird is terrine isn't technically aa pâté.

你知道奇怪的是 陶罐茄子其实并不算是荤菜

Gourmet eaters flock to this region for its goose, duck, pates, white asparagus, and more.

美食家们蜂拥而至 只为品尝这里的鹅 鸭 馅饼 白芦笋 等等

They need to believe they're the kind of cool that eats pâté in a shit hotel on halloween night.

他們要讓自己相信他們是那種 萬圣節在破旅館里吃肉醬的潮人

This course is designed to introduce you to the skills and techniques required in the production of yeast bread, short pastry doughs, custards, pate a choux, and cake batters.

这门课是设计来向你们介绍 一些技术与技巧 来制作如发面面包 酥皮面团 奶黄饼 泡芙 以及蛋糕糊等等

Each evening, she leads a familyfriendly tour, explaining the ageold tradition of le gavage forcefeeding the geese to fatten their livers to make the muchloved gooseliver pate, or foie gras.

每天晚上 她都会带领一个友善家庭观光之旅 向他们介绍历史悠久的传统: 灌胃 即对鹅进行强制喂食 让鹅肝丰润肥美 用来制作人们爱吃的鹅肝酱馅饼 或者鹅肝