
音标/读音 [kæpi'teiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 人头税, 每人均摊费
[经] 按人计算(收费), 人头税

n. a tax levied on the basis of a fixed amount per person



What we've created is a mass bubble economics around housing, as that sucks in a huge amount of capital, takes capital for genuine innovations in the economy, and puts it into a speculative use that has no genuine productive outcome.

我们创造了围绕房地产的巨大经济泡沫 吸收了大量的资本 占用了原本能在经济中进行革新的资本 将这些资本进行投机 却不能得到真正有效的产出

The capital, of course, but it's more than that.

这里是首都 但它可不仅仅只是首都

But I don't feel the same about capitali*.


the capital and retake what was ours.

One of these days we'll march into

If the pirates had a capital, this would be it.

如果海盗有一个老窝 一定是这里

All that matters is how we capitalize on it.


Which is what I'd be using your capital for.


He simply doesn't have the political capital.


And it's a disgrace here in the nation's capital.

更丢脸的是 这是国家的首都

You were insincere, and you capitalized on my sensitivities.

你既不诚实 而且还利用我的同情心