
音标/读音 ['mili,sekәnd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 毫秒
[计] 毫秒

n. one thousandth (10^-3) of a second



Our purpose is to get the stock market quotes like in 16 milliseconds, which is one millisecond faster than everybody else right now.

我们的目的是在16毫秒内 得到股票市场的报价 这要比所有人都快一毫秒

Yeah, our purpose is to get the stock market quotes in like 16 milliseconds, which is one millisecond faster than everybody else right now.

我们的目的是 在十六毫秒内拿到股市报价 比目前所有人都快一毫秒

My day is scheduled to the millisecond.


I've wanted this since the millisecond I saw you.


I shot 100 milliseconds after the game started.


And in their world, milliseconds translate to millions of dollars.

在他们的世界里 几毫秒就等于几百万美金

They're both clear of the target in around 500 milliseconds.


It makes it so I have that one extra millisecond to stop.


I would give anything for a second, a millisecond of peace.

我愿意用一切换来 一秒 一毫秒的和平

So, right now, all this happens in about... in about 17 milliseconds.

现在所有这一切 都在大约十七毫秒内完成