
音标/读音 [i'vɔn,i:-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 伊冯(f.)



Yvonne has been looking for a personal assistant.


Yvonne and I were supposed to leave town.

离开小镇那天 斯宾塞给了我这个

Yvonne, someone else was in there that night.

伊冯 那天晚上还有别人在场

Yvonne asked you if you wanted something to drink.


Yvonne said there might be wedding bells up at the property.


Yvonne just wants to work with someone a little more professional, that's all.

伊冯娜只是想和 更专业一点的人工作

Yvonne, this is my daughter, who seems to have, uh, I don't know, gone rogue.

伊冯娜 这是我女儿 不知怎么的 似乎离家出走了

Yvonne will get better, and we will all make our escape.

伊冯会好转的 我们也都能逃出去

Yvonne owes you back rent to the tune of $1,000, so she pawns your baseball.

伊冯欠你一千的租金 她当掉了你的棒球

Yvonne wants to go ahead without, only the young lad who's in charge says that though he personally is very relaxed about it, the church does tend to insist on a full complement of godparents.

伊冯想就不用教父了 但是那个年轻牧师说虽然 他对此并不在意 但是教堂往往会坚持 一定要找到教父母