
音标/读音 ['wә:wulf]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 狼人, 豺狼般的人

n. a monster able to change appearance from human to wolf and back again



Whoever is bitten by a werewolf and lives becomes a werewolf himself.

被狼人咬过但活下来的人 也将成为狼人

When he broke the curse that kept his werewolf side dormant, somewhere in all that, certain parts were now able to trump his vampire side, like the ability to pass on the werewolf gene.

他打破抑制他狼人一面的诅咒时 这个过程中 有一部分狼人血统压制了吸血鬼的一面 比如能够传递狼人的基因

The werewolf of this, the vampire of that.

还有这个狼人 那个吸血鬼的

We still don't know if he's a werewolf, too.


Or take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf.


They believed a werewolf had been preying on them.


And on the other, you are seditious, untrustworthy, and a werewolf.

另一方面 你很有煽动性 不值得信任 还是个狼人

He's a werewolf, and he's been *ed up by magic.

他是个狼人 他被魔法给害惨了

It's the name of the werewolf that I turn into.


Our spell was interrupted by a werewolf.
