
音标/读音 ['ɑ:mistis]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 休战, 停战
[法] 休战, 停战, 停火

n. a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms



They swear they shut those down after the armistice.


was not for safety at home, but for armistice and treaty.

军方害怕的不是国内安全 而是担心停战协议

The only way they can trust this armistice is if I deliver it myself.

想要他们相信这份停战协议 唯一的方法是由我亲自送去

I see you are negotiating the terms armistice without me.


Now more than ever, the armistice is off paramount importance.

此时此刻 停战协定才是最重要的事情

They're calling it an act of war, a violation of the armistice.

他们将其称为战争行为 破坏了停战协议

Well, if this armistice happens, we'll all be home for good soon.

如果真的达成休战协议 很快我们就都可以回家了

I got that you were proposing armistice the second I looked at the algorithm.

我一眼看到那个算法 就知道你想提议休战了

Any armistice will need to be signed by my hand and bear my seal.

任何停战协议都需要我的亲笔签名 和我的印章