
音标/读音 ['tɒplis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 无顶的, 袒胸的

a. having no top



Topless bea I can't be going on no topless beach.

无上装海 我去不了无上装海滩

The alcohol, the drugs, the topless selfies.

酗酒 嗑药 半裸*

The alcohol and the drugs, the topless selfies.

酗酒 嗑药 半裸*

Ready? I'll be your topless cocktail waitress.

想不想 我来做你的*鸡尾酒女郎

We got in a fight over whether he had just topless or not.


Look, topless girl wading in the water.

瞧 没穿上衣的女孩在蹚水玩耍

Everyone says things they don't mean when they're topless.


I'm standing topless, just the right angle.

我裸着上身站在那 完美的角度

I used to dance on this bar in my bare feet, periodically topless.

我曾经光着脚在这个吧台上跳舞 期间偶尔光着上身

Oh, I think he might be more put off by a topless male nurse.

我覺得他看到一個半裸的護士 會拒絕得更厲害