
音标/读音 ['kimtʃi:]
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◎ 单词释义

n. (=kimchee)<朝鲜语>朝鲜泡菜



And if you're brave, you can try some kimchi.

如果你有勇气的话 可以试试泡菜

Then I would go with the tofu kimchi quesadilla.


You don't have to pound the kimchi like you're doing compressions.


And yes, we very much appreciate the kimchi.

是的 非常谢谢您的泡菜

Fantastic with, um, kimchi and rice wine.

配上泡菜 米酒味道一绝

Well, at least put some kimchi on it, for *'s sake.

至少放点泡菜吧 *真看不下去了

This whole city is overrun with overrated cupcakes, kimchi tacos.


No, I want you to wait for two tacos, extra bulgogi, and some kimchi slaw.

不 我要你去排队买两个 多加份烤肉和泡菜沙拉

I think it's that kimchi shit you're serving, or the dog meat or cat or whatever.

我觉得是因为你上的泡菜 要不就是那些狗肉*的

Well, just don't bother trying to convince her that kimchi is the best topping.

不要试图说服她 韩国泡菜是最好吃的配料