
音标/读音 [sip]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 啜饮, 小口喝, 抿
vi. 啜饮
vt. 啜
[计] 单列直插式组件

n. a small drink
v. drink in sips



Give me just a sip of the coffee. I can have a sip.

给我喝口咖啡 我可以喝一口的

I have. I have sipped from the cup of failure more than once.

我尝过 我不止一次浅尝过失败的滋味

I just needed a few sips to calm myself down.

我需要小酌几口 让自己冷静下来

By your leave, ma'am, I would sip her essence.

若您允许 我想尝尝她的精华

Well, for starters, a sip of your drink.

首先 让我先喝口你的饮料

You picked it up by accident and took a sip out of it.


And we will be sipping drinks by nightfall.


I'd be sipping jippers on a beach somewhere.


This guy is just in here sipping wine.


You take sips and you spit into a bucket.

抿一小口 然后吐到桶里