
音标/读音 ['kɒ:pʌsәl]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 细胞, 血球, 微粒
[计] 微粒, 粒子

n (nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything
n either of two types of cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and sometimes including platelets



The red corpuscles are corpuscling, the grass is green, and it's soft, and summer's gonna last forever.

血气方刚 精力旺盛 草地又绿又软 夏日永不结束

when the buffalo's corpuscles explode all over the place, that's gonna be on you, literally.

当水牛的小颗粒爆炸到各个角落 那将会是你的责任[会落到你身上]

Well, if it goes untreated, what happens is microscopic airborne bacteria get released into the air by the exploding corpuscles in the beetle larvae.

如果不处理的话 空气传播的微生物细菌会在 甲壳虫幼体内的小颗粒爆裂的时候 被释放到空气中